Saturday, November 7, 2009

To Health

I actually wrote this last night, but the internet wasn’t working, so you get it now.

One thing I have learned about myself is that I’m a lousy sick person. Some people when they’re sick are easy to be around still, never letting how they feel affect their mood. Not me, boy. When I’m sick, it affects everything. I don’t think the same, talk the same, eat the same, act the same, interact the same, or anything. I whine, complain, moan groan and let everyone know how lousy I feel. All of this has been in full force since last evening. Life stops for me when I’m sick, and that’s that.

My wife on the other hand, when she doesn’t feel well - which is often - she just goes on anyway. It’s amazing to me how much she can do when she feels nauseous, fatigued, achy, or otherwise ill. Often I don’t know what’s going on until later because she doesn’t complain. Oh, your knee hurts? Your feeling lousy? Nauseous, really? I just never know, and I love that about her. Granted, she’s used to it somewhat, having had many health problems in her life and having chosen to live anyway. But that doesn’t take away from my admiration for her. I’d like to be more like that...just hope I don’t have to.


Stephanie said...

just so you know, i think that's just the way women and men are. women get sick and we just have to keep going, because everyone depends on us and we don't have another choice, men? ... well, they're just woosies. lol.