Sunday, November 8, 2009


In 2007, Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles had this to say in his talk entitled Good, Better, Best: "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families." In tonight's Stake Priesthood Meeting, this message was repeated over and over to my heart - to cast aside the lesser things, put my life in the Lord's hands, and seek His will and His glory in all my daily walk and talk. God can make much more of me than I could ever hope to do alone, and He has much for me to do, the preparations for which must occur now. Some things in my life must increase, while others must decrease. Laboring to build Zion and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is worth any miniscule sacrifice that I might lay upon the alter, for it is in such labors - as guided by the Lord through His Spirit - are the meat and drink of salvation. We are saved by grace, indeed, but only "after all that we can do." This in no way suggests that we are saved by our works, as this is impossible. It is only through the atonement of Christ that we have any hope of salvation. But prophets through the ages point to the importance of our works as a necessary requirement for that incomprehensible grace that the Savior grants to all who are His. My works and my efforts must improve. It's time to raise my sights.