Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Makes the World Go Round

If you could single out one thing, one attribute or quality, that is the catalyst behind all great things, what would you say? One answer that comes to mind for me is faith. Faith, we have been taught, is a principle of action and the force that gives us motivation to act. Unless there is belief, or a desire to believe, there is no action. This is sound and sensible.

There is another word that comes to mind, however, without which faith would be incomplete and that probably explains more of mankind's actions than any other. That word is passion. Get together a group of people who believe a certain way, and you will get results. Add a healthy dose of passion to that same group, and they will be unstoppable. True it is that passion has led to many unfortunate and vile acts through human history. But, especially when coupled with love and faith (which I term to be belief in something that is true), it has also brought about the greatest accomplishments, movements, fortunes, revolutions, and civilizations known to man. Indeed, little becomes known to humanity generally unless it either (a) incites passion in others, however deep or shallow, or (b) is fueled by the passion of one or more individuals.

Look, for example, at FedEx. The founder believed so much in the vision of overnight shipping that he put everything on the line to build the fleet and the infrastructure necessary to accomplish that goal. There came a point when revenues were not keeping up with infrastructure demands and he had to hide his planes from the banks to keep his dream alive. The result? Well, the name FedEx speaks for itself, all because of the passion, vision, and drive of one man and how he inspired those same things in others.

Take a look also at Christianity. It began as a small following in northern Israel, but the passion of one man - Jesus Christ - has fueled two millenia of passionate, zealous, dedicated, and consecrated followers. We would not have the Christian heritage that we have today, including the Bible or many of the traditions we know by heart, without the countless individuals who gave their all, even their lives, to build, defend and sustain the kingdom of God and to perpetuate the scriptures through the centuries. Only true faith, conversion, and consecration - in a word, passion - could drive such remarkable results.

The moral of the story? Do not let your passion and dreams die with you. Find, cultivate, and share those things that fill you with light. The world needs the very best that is within you - so let it come, and let that light shine for all who need it to see.