Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do it anyway

Tonight I just didn't feel like writing. Nothing wrong, just not inspired and a bit tired. But something inside my head - or was it my heart putting it into my head? - saying, "Do it anyway." And then I remembered, anyone and everyone who has accomplished anything of worth in their lives has had times when they didn't feel like doing whatever it was that they had committed to do. Athletes who don't want to practice that aspect of their game for the billionth time or do that last workout; concert pianists whose fingers and forearms and shoulders and backs are sore; mothers and fathers who don't want to do that bedtime routine again; doctors, mathmeticians, scientists, artists, manual laborers, bishops, salesmen, business owners, teachers, writers and scores of others - and notably today, the soldiers in the armed forces - who continually do things that they don't want to do because they promised that they would. Who cares if you miss just once, you might ask? Who will know, and if they did know, to whom would it really matter? My answer: I would know and have to live with it, therefore I care and it matters to me. And God knows, too. So what do I do? I do it anyway.

Thank you to the many people who have inspired me to do what I don't want to do when I don't want to do it because I know that by doing so I will get what I really want. I can be true to my commitments, long after the emotion is gone, at least in part because of you. So thank you for showing the way and doing it anyway.