Friday, November 13, 2009

"I'll Sleep Today, Papa"

I heard a story on the way to work this morning that has filled my heart with both joy and sadness. Joseph F. Smith, son of Hyrum Smith and sixth prophet of this dispensation, lost many children to death. One of them was three year old Mercy Josephine Smith. Little Jody was very ill and her father stayed up with her all night. She was many times uncomfortable and slept only fitfully that night. In the morning, Joseph said to her, "You didn't sleep well last night, little Jody." She looked up at him and, in a voice I can almost hear, said, "I'll sleep today, Papa." She knew that that day would be her last on this earth, and at that moment, so did her father.

The death of a child is one of the most tragic occurrences I can imagine - for it is the death of purity, potential, and unbridled joy. This tragedy has touched me in my own life, and it reaches to the deepest parts of my emotions and the deepest recesses of my bosom. But from that sorrow and gloom comes a beautiful ray of light, a hope and a faith, a knowledge of God's plan and the true destiny of little children that have been taken before their accountability. For I know that they are saved in the Kingdom of Heaven, even the Celestial Kingdom. They died in purity, and in purity will they be raised up to inherit all that our Father hath. What joy, what rejoicing fills my heart as I contemplate what great love and mercy has been bestowed on the most innocent and pure of all mankind - our children! I feel to shout "Hallelujah!" and sing the song of redeeming love. Our God has not forsaken us in the time of our grief and has sown the seed of such exhilaration as we can now but scarcely comprehend - if at all. This gospel is true, and there is so much more than what I have written here that is available to all who embrace these truths and receive the blessings made manifest and available to us through His holy priesthood. Could a person be any more blessed than to receive a promise from God? I am indebted to Him forever and ever, amen and amen.


Jacob said...

You are quite the serious blogger...don't ever read mine.