Friday, October 23, 2009

Amazing Grace

Tonight, instead of taking time to consider what to write, I watched a movie with my wife. National Treasure 2 to be exact. I love that movie--the mystery, the intrigue, the history... Well, ok, the history is pretty suspect, but it sure makes for a great story!

So in the spirit of history and honoring the past, I bring you a quote from one of my historical heroes, Mr. William Wilberforce, a 18th-19th century British MP (member of Parliament) who is responsible for the end of the slave trade and the abolition of slavery in Britain--several decades before the U.S., and without the shedding of blood. He sought to reform Great Britain, saying "God has placed before me two great objects: the abolition of the slave trade, and the reformation of manners (or morals)." During his 40+ year career in public office, it is amazing how much good this man brought to pass. I highly recommend his biography and the movie about his efforts concerning slavery, Amazing Grace. (Well then, it looks like I had something to say after all!) Now for the quote:

"I must confess equally boldly that my own solid hopes for the well-being of my country depend, not so much on her navies and armies, nor on the wisdom of her rulers, nor on the spirit of her people, as on the persuasion that she still contains many who love and obey the Gospel of Christ. I believe that their prayers may yet prevail."

This was written about Great Britain in about 1797. I believe that it applies equally, if not even more forcefully today. May our country be preserved for the humble, the meek, the obedient and the faithful who love and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ.